Shred 2 Bohemia

Start a journey, prepared for the unknown... ** DELAYED! ** find out more below **

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Shred to Bohemia is an invitation to embark on an adventure, where you decide how it looks like. We will give you the start, the checkpoints and the goal – in between it’s up to you. Make it a gravel-tour, make it a bike-packing adventure, make it mountain biking shred fest or stay on the road. With shred to bohemia we want to celebrate the path, so it is not about being the fastest – find your way, enjoy the ride, set-up your tent, look at the stars. As we really mean celebrating the path is the goal we will have several prizes that are not related to being as fast as possible. ~~**Due to a the current situation that there are too many bike events happening (what a problem to have!) Shred2Bohemia is being pushed back a couple months.**~~ Shred2Bohemia will definitely happen one weekend in July or August, the exact date is still to be decided. We are excited to unveil the surprises in store. Until then go and enjoy the nature and the fresh spring summer and enjoy the Shred. Subscribe below to stay notified.



Cake await!


The Bunker

A surprise is hidden


Flugplatz Kleinkoschen

The sky bridge



Lookout over Bohemia


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